4 Office Tricks to Reduce the Time You Spend Sitting Down

Over time, sitting too long at work can create a host of health issues. Did you know sitting over 3 hours a day can cut 2 years off of your life expectancy? Plus 2 hours of TV a day and you just shaved off another 1.4 years!
Reduce the risk of sitting-related health issues or going to an early grave by reducing the time you sit. Try these tips:
Use a standing workstation or one with a walking treadmill. Many companies help employees sustain health and decrease the amount spent on health care costs by supplying them. Companies found by having ergonomically-friendly furnishings, their overall health costs went down.
Use a standing/sitting workstation. If your company won’t buy a standing workstation, try getting them to rehab your sitting desk into a sitting/standing workstation: elevate your monitor (eye level) and the keyboard so you can type while standing (forearms parallel to the floor).
Use a small cup or glass. Using a smaller cup or glass, you’re more inclined to get up and refill it more often. The more you drink, the more you’ll l have to get up and go to the bathroom. Doubled effect of reducing sitting time!
Walk instead of email. If you are going to send an email to a colleague located in your building, get up and hand deliver your message instead of emailing it. You probably need to get something to drink or go to the bathroom anyway.
Other ways to get you moving during the workday will add exercise to your day and help offset the effects of sitting:
- Park at the far end of the parking lot and walk in the rest of the way.
- If you take public transportation, get off a stop or two before your regular stop and walk the rest of the way.
- Once inside your building, stake the stairs for a few flights up before getting on the elevator.
- Take a 15-minute walk after lunch instead of sitting down and going back to work.
Use these tips to reduce sitting time at work. Your body will thank you and your family will rejoice haveing you around longer in their lives.