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Signs It’s Time to Get Some Help for Your Sleep Problems

Everyone deals with sleep problems from time to time. You might be anxious about a project at work. The neighbors may be having a loud party or you may be ill and unable to sleep. While minor sleep problems come and go, sometimes it makes good sense to get some professional help. If you’re dealing with any of the following signs or symptoms, it may be time to go to the doctor.
You’ve Had Poor Sleep for an Extended Period of Time
If you’ve had insomnia or struggle to get more than a few hours of sleep each night then you may want to get some professional help. Sleep problems for a few days or even a few weeks isn’t uncommon. However, if you chronically struggle to get good sleep or you’ve had insomnia for more than a month; a doctor may be able to help you get back on track. -
You’re Relying on Sleep Aids
Generally speaking, sleep aids are supposed to be a temporary fix. They’re supposed to help you get your body back on a good sleep schedule. If you’re relying on sleep aids (even melatonin) for more than a few days or other sleep aids for a few weeks or a month, then you may want to talk to your doctor. Your body can become dependent on these chemicals to sleep. -
You’re Dangerously Tired during the Day
Did you know that people who suffer from sleeping disorders have a higher risk of being involved in a traffic accident? If you’re falling asleep in the middle of the day then you’re putting yourself and others at risk. Your body needs sleep. -
You Wake in the Morning Feeling Exhausted
Many people who suffer from sleep apnea sleep through the night. However, they never really spend any quality time in the deep sleep phase. This can cause a number of serious medical conditions. People with sleep apnea have a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia and many other deadly conditions. -
You’re Depressed, Irritable, or Feeling Emotionally Unstable
Mild sleep apnea can impact your hormone levels enough that it can affect your emotions and well-being. If you feel like your emotions are out of control or you feel depressed, it may be due to a sleeping disorder. A doctor can prescribe a sleep study to determine what type of disorder, if any, you’re dealing with. They can help you get your life back on track.
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