For Better Mental Health: Do Housework, Gardening or Play a Sport

Digging in the dirt has long been known as a way to relax and “let the world go away.” The great thing about fooling around with plants: If it’s your yard or garden, you can do whatever you want whenever you want and as fast or as slow as you want.
Now, researchers at the University College in London say organizing your space (not dishwashing or other routines) for about 20 minutes can have the same stress-busting effect. They found that engaging in a domestic project for just 20 minutes at a time on one to three days a week reduced the odds of psychological distress by 24%.
Sports activities showed the greatest psychological benefits and the clearest relationship between increased activity time and greater mental well-being.
Whether a physical activity is on the tennis court, in the garden, or in the house, it reduces mental distress.